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Public Lecture: Quantum Schmuantum

  • 24 Mar 2025
  • 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Griffith University Art Museum 226 Grey Street South Brisbane, QLD 4101
What is quantum, why is this the international year of it, and why should I care? 

By: Prof. Andrew White

Register via eventbrite 

Although it isn’t obvious day to day, the world is quantum. Humanity only began to realise this 125 years ago, as a result of efforts to improve street lighting in Germany [1]. A quarter of a century of confusion and discovery—involving amongst other things plum puddings and a single-page PhD thesis [2]—led to a famous equation [3] that suddenly let us understand atoms. This first quantum revolution led directly to the digital revolution that changed, well, everything. Right now we’re living through a second quantum revolution [4]. We will look at what it is, what it will let us do that we couldn’t do before, and why businesses and governments worldwide are investing billions. Questions from the audience are highly encouraged [5].

[1]. Yes, really.

[2]. Weird but true.

[3]. Not that famous equation. The other one.

[4]. A term coined by two scientists—one a Brisbane local—in a 2002 paper.

[5]. There are no dumb questions: if you’re wondering it so is half the audience, so ask away!

Professor White is a world leader in quantum technology, making significant contributions through his research in the fields of quantum information science and quantum optics. His contributions include both fundamental advances—quantum-logic gates, quantum simulation & emulation, quantum metrology—and methodological advances—entanglement engineering, quantum tomography, and optical vortices. In 1999, he established the world’s first quantum technology laboratory to explore and exploit the full range of quantum behaviours—notably entanglement—with an eye to engineering new technologies and scientific applications.

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