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The Group for Astroparticle Physics (GAP)

Welcome to the the Group for Astroparticle Physics (GAP) of the AIP and the ASA (Astronomical Society of Australia). The GAP is the first group jointly run under the auspices of the AIP and the ASA.

About GAP

Closing the ‘gap’ between astronomy and particle physics, a key aim of the GAP is to bring together these two communities to advance the field of astroparticle physics. Further information about the GAP can be found in the  GAP Charter.

Joining GAP

To join this group, please sign up here:

Or click The Group for Astroparticle Physics (GAP) under Topical Groups in your membership profile

Sending Emails to the GAP Membership

GAP 2024 Steering Committee

  • Co-Chair (AIP): Martin White (until 2026)
  • Co-Chair (ASA): Mark Krumholz (until 2025)
  • Hayley Bignall (treasurer - until 2025)
  • Krzysztof Bolejko (ordinary member - until 2025)
  • Theresa Fruth (ordinary member - until 2026)
  • Nicole Bell (AIP representative)
  • Marc Duldig (ASA representative)
  • Jemma Pilossof (student member - until 2025)
  • Celine Boehm (secretary & past-chair AIP - until 2026) -
  • Alex Heger (past-chair ASA - until 2025)
Formation Committee
  • Chair: Gavin Rowell
  • Hayley Bignall
  • Marc Duldig
  • Clancy James
  • Yvonne Wong

Please note that only ASA and/or AIP members may nominate for Steering Committee positions each year, and vote in their election.

Past GAP Steering Committees:

2022 - Co-Chair (AIP): Celine Boehm, Co-Chair (ASA): Alexander Heger, Hayley Bignall (treasurer), Roland Crocker (ordinary member), Clancy James (ordinary member), Nicole Bell (AIP representative), Marc Duldig (ASA representative), Peter Marinos (student member), Matt Roth (student member), Smrithi Gireesh Babu (student member), Gavin Rowell (secretary & past-chair)

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