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The award recognises outstanding leadership by a physicist in academia, industry or government who has inspired or mentored early career physicists and/or developed more equitable workplaces in Australia.

The biennial award consists of a medal, a certificate, one year membership of the AIP. The award will be presented to the winner at the AIP Congress in the year of the award.

Eligibility requirements

  • The award is for a female physicist.
  • The nominee must be nominated by a Proposer who is a member of the AIP; self-nomination by an AIP member is also acceptable.
  • The nominee, if successful, must be prepared to write an article related to the work for which the award was presented that will be published in Australian Physics.

Nomination process

Completion of the Women in Leadership Medal nomination form. This nomination form requires the nominee to provide:

·       A synopsis of the applicant’s contributions to leadership, mentorship, support to equitable workplaces and the support of early career physicists consisting of a one sentence citation capturing the contributions.

·       A longer citation (no more than 300 words) that briefly summarises the nominee’s contributions in relation to the award application. This is to be written for a scientifically literate lay person. This will be used for promotion/certificates if the nominee is successful.

·       A current CV.

·       The names and contact details of three referees.

Section Criteria

Nominees will be evaluated on the basis of:

  • the nominee’s track record of holding distinguished leadership roles;
  • the impact and outcomes of the nominee’s leadership during her career;
  • the contribution of the nominee to forging equitable workplaces;
  • the testimonials of the referees.

Nominations close: April 30 in the nomination year.

Submissions should be emailed to

Only one Medal will be awarded in each round.

Previous Winners

  • 2022 Professor Celine Boehm, University of Sydney

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