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The 47th annual condensed matter and materials meeting

The 47th Condensed Matter and Materials meeting will be held from 4-7th February 2025 at St Leo's college at the University of Queensland  We look forward to welcoming you all there!

The Global Change Atrium - for our poster session 2025

The 46th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting will be held from Tuesday 6th – Friday 9th, February 2024 at its familiar Wagga Wagga, Charles Sturt University site (“Wagga 2024").  This follows on from the successful 2020 Wagga conference held in Rotorua in New Zealand and the previous Wagga 2023 conference held in Wagga Wagga.

The Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Conference, colloquially known as “Wagga”, has been held almost annually as a residential conference at the Charles Sturt University Conference Centre, Wagga Wagga, NSW, during early February, since 1977.   The Organising Committee is excited to announce that the 46th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting will be held from Tuesday 6th – Friday 9th, February 2024.  We look forward to welcoming you back to Wagga for the traditional, Condensed Matter and Materials Conference.  We are committed to providing a safe, in-person conference where we can catch up and hear about recent advances in condensed matter research from around Australia and New Zealand.

For 2025, Wagga is going on the road - and will be held at the University of Queensland in the physics department.

Note: The second week of February has been chosen for 2024 based on the research of the 2023 organisers that a number of parents indicated that the first week of school each year is a difficult time to attend a conference.  The organisers hope that this shift in date will allow more parents to consider attending.

Conference Organisers:

The organising committee may be collectively contacted via

The organising committee for the 46th Annual CMM meeting includes:

Committee: (based at UNSW, Canberra)

Chair: Wayne Hutchison 

Glen Stewart

Oleg Klochan

Daisy Wang

Sean Cadogan

Key dates - please note that due to technical problems registration has not opened as scheduled. It will open soon, an announcement will be made. We are pleased to receive your abstracts now.

Abstract Submission and Registration Opens

30th August 2023

Second Notice

30th September 2023

Abstract Submission Closes (nominal)

Abstract submission extension

 30th November 2023

15th December 2023

Notification of abstract acceptance 

Later abstract acceptance asap following

15th December 2023

Registration* (early bird) until

15th December 2023

Registrations will continue to be accepted up until 25 January 2024 but an administrative surcharge of $50 will apply. Unfortunately, no refund can be given for cancellations made within 7 days of the conference starting date as venue numbers must be committed and finalised with CSU by this date.


Our aim is to facilitate an inclusive Meeting that encourages the free exchange of ideas and welcomes all voices in a respectful atmosphere. We invite participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, religions, nationalities, ages, sexual orientations and abilities.

As organisers, we are working to try to provide a balanced and diverse program. You can help us build a better, more inclusive summer meeting by forwarding our Call for Abstracts throughout your network, and by sending along your suggestions for presenters and participants that might help to diversify the Meeting.

For the 46th Annual Condensed Matter and Materials Meeting 2024, we will set clearly articulated goals for diversity, which will be shared on this page.

Official Diversity and Equity Statement

The Wagga Meeting Organisers are committed to providing a meeting that aims to uphold the principles of equity and diversity. We acknowledge that inequality exists in the scientific community, in the application of science, and throughout the world. We are committed to providing equal opportunities, and a safe and respectful event free from discrimination. We expect our attendees to treat everyone in a respectful and inclusive manner, and to remove barriers of disadvantage.

Equity and diversity issues are wide ranging and include but are not limited to ethnicity, race, religion, colour, age, relationship status, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, carer responsibilities, socio-economic status, mental and physical health or disability, and nationality. 

In order to address these principles, the organisers aim to:

  • Provide diversity in speakers where possible
  • Ensure equitable treatment for all attendees
  • Ensure that our attendees feel included in all events offered at the meeting.
  • Take positive actions to address inequity and exclusion
  • Lead by example

To achieve these aims the organisers will:

  • Provide a public policy addressing equity and diversity (this statement).
  • Provide a Code of Conduct.
  • Provide data of the representation of women (and other underrepresented groups where voluntarily provided) and provide this data after the meeting to both the AIP and publicly on the meeting website.
  • Acknowledge traditional ownership including reaching out to local Indigenous communities to open major events with Welcome to Country.
  • Session Chairs will be instructed to consider speaker selection with this policy in mind.
  • Session Chairs will be instructed to ensure that discussions and questions are conducted respectfully and that there is an equitable opportunity to contribute to the discussion.
  • Support carers to participate more fully in workshops, conferences and professional development.
  • Respect diversity when scheduling event times/days and organising social activities.
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