Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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The AIP monthly bulletin reaches over 4000 scientists, future scientists and stakeholders. To subscribe to the AIP bulletin, please email provide physics news, please email To advertise in the bulletin, see our Jobs page.

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  • 1 Feb 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    As reported by UN Women.

    The world needs science, and science needs women and girls.

    On 11 Feb, use the hashtag #WomeninScience to spread messages that defy gender stereotypes and let everyone know that we need more women and girls in science!

    Women have led ground-breaking research into public health, vaccines, treatments and innovative technology, and been on the front lines of COVID-19 response as scientists, health care workers and more.

    Yet, the gender gap in science and technology holds women back.

    According to UNESCO’s forthcoming Science Report,  only 33 per cent of researchers are women, despite the fact that they represent 45 and 55 per cent of students at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels of study respectively, and 44 per cent of those enrolled in PhD programs.

    While 70 per cent of health and social care workers are women, they are paid 11 per cent less than their male counterparts.

    The COVID-19 pandemic is poised to widen the existing gender disparities, especially for women scientists at the early stages of their career, unless we act deliberately to keep women in the career pipelines in STEM.

    It’s more important than ever to recognize women’s contributions in science, smash stereotypes and defeat discrimination against women and girls in science.

    Support the women researchers you know.

  • 1 Feb 2022 9:00 AM | Anonymous

    Do you or someone you know have a physics PhD, and have had an unexpected career path, including roles outside of academia?

    We’d love to hear your story and how physics has got you to where you are.

    Past examples include physicists that have gone on to have careers in epidemiology, patent law, comms, medicine, education and even visual effects! Check out their career profiles in our shiny new #PhysicsGotMeHere page

    Email your interest in sharing your story to to have it featured in our monthly bulletin and website.

  • 9 Jan 2022 1:44 PM | Anonymous

    On Christmas Eve 2021 it was announced that 6 ARC Discovery Projects were vetoed by the acting Minister for not demonstrating value for taxpayers’ money nor contributing to the national interest. This was despite the projects having been selected through a rigorous independent peer review process. It is shocking to see this kind of political intervention in a country like Australia where we expect a fair go for those who follow the grant rules. We expect our rigorous grant allocation systems to be guided by excellence and merit and to be determined by experts. Last-minute intervention from politicians should not be a routine part of this process and does not result in good value for money for the Australian taxpayer. We call on all our STEM colleagues from around Australia to join us in standing strong with our colleagues in humanities against political interference in the independent grant processes.

  • 15 Dec 2021 3:34 PM | Anonymous

    The Australian government has announced reforms to Australian Research Council processes, outlined in a recent letter from the Minister. 

    We are very concerned about the rapid timeline for reform and lack of consultation. Commitment to a new direction offers the opportunity for long overdue consultation with the Australian research sector, and guidance from best practice internationally. 

    We urge the government to undertake such consultation as a matter of priority. Changes at the ARC - the national funding body for all research outside the medical sector - will have long term impact.

    We need to get it right this time.

    • Read about the ARC reforms in their media release here.
    • Read the letter from the Minister here.
    • Read coverage of the issue in The Australian here.
  • 2 Dec 2021 5:39 PM | Anonymous

    The Australian Research Council (ARC) has announced the outcomes of the ARC Appeals committee on preprints and six additional funded research projects.

    “The ARC Appeals Committee upheld all 28 appeals submitted to the Committee for having included preprints in their applications. The Committee also extended the ruling for 4 other applicants that did not submit an appeal.”

    In addition, “6 of the 32 now eligible applications had been ranked highly in the grants assessment process and were recommended for funding—including 5 Discovery Early Career Researcher Award and 1 Future Fellowships application.”

    “This outcome is the result of the strong response of the sector, ranging from vocal individuals to the joint stand of the professional bodies,” says Australian Institute of Physics President Professor Sven Rogge.

    “It is very late, but it is fair. I am thrilled since I know that some of these newly announced fellowships will change the career paths of fantastic upcoming scientists. At the same time, we are worried since other rounds are massively delayed. I expect that the ARC will also apply the same framework to all the grant rounds that are not yet announced. These need to be announced as soon as possible to provide certainly to the researchers involved."

    “The AIP is looking forward to working with the ARC on reforms to ensure better consultation and transparency. We hope to avoid a single discipline, especially its early career researchers, being impacted so severely.”

  • 1 Dec 2021 10:13 AM | Anonymous

    The AIP NSW branch welcomes its new office bearers for 2022 following last month’s AGM on 16 November:

    Chair: Professor Michael Lerch

    Deputy Chair: Associate Professor Matthew Arnold

    Secretary: Dr Frederick Osman

    Treasurer: Dr Phil Burns

    Committee Members: Associate Professor Graeme Melville. Dr Scott Martin, Dr Timothy Van der Laan, Dr Danica Solina, Dr Marc Galí Labarias and Dr Andrew Manning.

    We thank the previous office bearers for their service. 

  • 1 Dec 2021 10:04 AM | Anonymous

    For excellence in physics research as well as clear and engaging presentation skills, Joe Zhiyu Chen (UNSW) and Zain Medhi (ANU) have won the 2021 AIP NSW branch Postgraduate Physics Award and Royal Society for NSW Jak Kelly Award, respectively.

    The awards were based on the online student presentations given on 9 November from the top physics postgraduate students nominated by each NSW university.

    Joe Zhiyu Chen’s talk explained how he was using supercomputing to model galaxy distribution in the presence of neutrino masses.

    Zain Mehdi’s presented his work on modelling two types of thermal energy loss during turbulence in quantum fluids.

    The other contenders were awarded AIP NSW Postgraduate Excellence Certificates in recognition of nomination by their universities based on their high standing. They included Sobia Rehman (Macquarie Uni), Florian List (USYD), Matthew James (UNE), Simon White (UTS), and Ankit Shrestha (University of Wollongong).

    The AIP NSW branch also wishes to congratulate Philip Mai (UNSW) and Bailey Thompson (University of Wollongong) for winning the 2021 Best Graduating Student Prizes. The prizes recognise their clearly outstanding work in their undergraduate Physics programs.

    Lastly, ‘Drones, Droids and Robots’ was the theme of this year’s projects in contention for the AIP NSW Most Outstanding Physics K-12 Prizes and Science Teachers Association of NSW Young Scientist Awards.

    First prize for ‘Automated Hand Injury Assessment and Treatment Device (MedLab)’ went to Yasiru Puhule-Gamayalag (Cherrybrook Technology High School). ‘Remote Control Raft Cleaner’ by Max Zhao (Barker College) won second prize. Thaddeus Candra (Redeemer Baptist School) was given third prize for ‘The Mars Ninja Warrior Conquers Mount Midoriyama’.

  • 1 Dec 2021 10:02 AM | Anonymous

    Have your say about running the AIP, Australia’s largest voluntary organisation dedicated to promoting the role of physics in research, education, industry, and the community.

    AIP members are invited to attend the upcoming 2022 AIP Annual General Meeting.

    It will be held online via Zoom on 15 Feb, 6-7 pm AEDT.

    Update: If you are an AIP member, you should have received an email on 14 Jan with the Zoom link to join the meeting.

    Please register your attendance by responding to the email invite, or email if you haven't received it.  

    Ahead of the AGM, members are encouraged to look through the newly updated Constitution available here as the changes will be put to the vote during the AGM.

    Other agenda items include business arising from the minutes, the President’s and Treasurer’s reports, and appointment of the Auditor.

  • 1 Dec 2021 9:59 AM | Anonymous

    Our hybrid online 2021 AIP Summer Meeting (6-9 Dec) is starting soon!

    Promote your talks and share your experiences on social media using #AIPSummer21.

    On-site registration for attendees in Brisbane begins Mon 6 Dec at 1 pm.

    Besides focused sessions on the latest physics research (Tues 7 Dec – Thurs 9 Dec) and a poster session (Tues 7 Dec, 5-6 pm), here’s a summary of special events so you don’t miss out.

    Note that all times listed are in AEST (Brisbane time).

    • Attend the Quantum Technology Workshop, a special meeting of the Australian Army and Australian Quantum Technology community (Tues 7 Dec, 1-3 pm). 
    • Learn about Online Assessments in Physics before and during the COVID19 Pandemic in the Education Workshop I (Wed 8 Dec, 10.30 am-12 pm).
    • PhD students and postdocs can find out about Active Learning Techniques for teaching physics in the Education Workshop II (Wed 8 Dec, 3.30-5 pm).

    Full program here and abstract booklet here. We look forward to catching up with you in person or online.

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