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NSW Branch

Welcome to the New South Wales (NSW) branch of the AIP.  Watch this space for local events in NSW. 

NSW 2024 Committee
Elected at the 2023 NSWAIP AGM. The whole branch committee can be emailed using:

 Branch Chair  Professor Miroslav Filipovic
 Vice Chair  Dr Danica Solina  
 Secretary  Dr Fred Osman
 Treasurer  Dr Phil Burns
 Committee Members

 Professor Michael Lerch
 Associate Professor Graeme Melville
 Associate Professor Matthew Arnold
 Associate Professor Karen Livesey
 Dr Scott Martin
 Dr Shaila Akhter
 Dr Andrew Manning


  NSW Events Schedule for 2024

 Date Event Details  Webpage
 Friday 22 March 2024  Frontiers of Science Forum [video available] FURTHER INFO
 Monday 8 April 2024  Research Poster Presentation Network Event  FURTHER INFO
 Tuesday 18 June 2024  AIPNSW/ANSTO/RACI Joint Seminar FURTHER INFO 
 Friday 6 September 2024  NSW Branch Presidents' Dinner (AIP and RACI) EVENT FLYER
 Monday 19 August 2024  Einstein Lecture  FURTHER INFO
 Friday 30 August 2024  Physics in the Pub  FURTHER INFO
 4-5 September 2024  Women in Physics Lecture Series  
 Monday 30 September 2024  STEM Education and Industry Forum  FURTHER INFO
 Thursday 7 November 2024  Physics in Industry Day  FURTHER INFO
 Tuesday 12 November 2024  Postgraduate Day  

 Tuesday 26 November 2024

 NSW Branch AGM (Zoom)

Our events can also be viewed in MEETUP: LINK (sign up for a free account to be informed about upcoming NSWAIP events)

NSW Awards and Prizes

    The NSW Branch celebrates its physicists by giving out awards and prizes. 

    Click below for the latest (2024) Australian Institute of Physics New South Wales Awards including the 2024 Community Outreach Award.

    Check Out NSW Awards And Prizes

    Notable submission closing dates:

    - TH LABY MEDAL Close: Friday 5 April 2024

    - AIP BRAGG GOLD MEDAL Close: Monday 6 May 2024

    - AIPNSW Physics in the Pub Nominations Close: Friday 28 June 2024

    - AIPNSW Community Outreach to Physics Award Close: Friday 5 July 2024

    - AIPNSW Postgraduate Award Nominations Close: Saturday 12 Oct 2024

    Physics in the Pub 2023 - "Cold" and "Failed" Dwarf Stars Deserve Our Love by Kovi Rose, Sydney University

    Check out the other videos from Physics in the Pub HERE

    This page is maintained by Scott Martin

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