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2023 AIP Physics in Industry Day - The Future of Semiconductors

  • 2 Nov 2023
  • CSIRO Lindfield, 36 Bradfield Road, Lindfield, NSW

THE AIP PHYSICS INDUSTRY DAY – The Future of Semiconductors

The annual Physics in Industry Days has been an initiative to bring together researchers, industry, service providers, decision makers, educators and the general public to connect and learn around a chosen topic - either an industry sector or an area of science with significant industrial or national impact in the future. It is intended to be an informal gathering with interesting and informative speakers pitched at a level to engage with an informed general audience. Hosted at CSIRO at Lindfield, the program for the day builds in time to network as well as engage in a site tour to experience first-hand some of the research and development conducted on site by CSIRO, the National Measurement Institute (NMI) or on of the high-tech companies co-located at the Lindfield Collaboration Hub (LCH).


Our Topic in 2023 – The Future of Semiconductors

Semiconductors underpin almost every aspect of our modern lives in some way. Despite more objects around us incorporating semiconductor chips, the number of companies and roles actively developing new semiconductor technologies (in contract to exploiting existing commercially available semiconductor chips) are reducing in many countries. Why is this and what can we do to reinvigorate domestic industry? Does it even matter? Our 2023 Physics in Industry Day will explore the situation in Australia and around the world, hear from Australian innovators and consider what might we do collectively.


For more details please refer to the following link

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