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The AIP NSW Branch’s new Service Awards

30 Sep 2024 2:30 PM | Anonymous

The Australian Institute of Physics New South Wales Branch has instituted this annual prize awarded to a member who has made an outstanding contribution to the development of the branch, and the NSW physics community in general, over an extended period.

The AIP NSW Branch’s new Service Award will be presented each year at the NSW Branch Presidents’ Dinner. The 2024 Presidents’ Dinner, held in September, recognised four outstanding AIP educators. Congratulations to our award recipients on the amazing work you do to give our profession a bright future.

Associate Professor Matthew Arnold MAIP, who joined the committee in 2014 and was AIPNSW Chair in 2016-2017.

Professor Michael Lerch FAIP, who joined the committee in 2004 and was AIPNSW Chair in 2006-2007 and 2022-2023.

Dr Scott Martin FAIP, who joined the committee in 2005 and was AIPNSW Chair in 2012-2013 and 2020-2021.

Dr Graeme Melville FAIP, who joined the committee in 1998 and was AIPNSW Chair in 2010-2011 and 2014-2015.

The AIP NSW Branch continues to increase the profile of physics within industry, academia, and the wider general community. This success is possible through the hard work and dedication of the awardees, over many years of service to the Branch by leading the Committee as Chair, Secretary, or Treasurer, or leading the Committee Portfolios in awards and events. The awardees have accomplished this all as passionate volunteers for over a decade.

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