- A member shall endeavour to advance the profession of physicist responsibly within the community.
- A member shall not make unjustifiable comment about other members, nor shall a member make any public statement purporting to be policy of the Institute when such is not the case.
- Reasonable criticism of a member’s conduct or views at any meetings of the Institute shall be privileged.
- Members may advertise their professional services but must include their grade of membership.
- A member shall not use any unfair, improper or questionable method of seeking professional work or advancement.
- A member shall produce only reports, statements and publications which are an accurate record of soundly based observations or calculations and of logical deductions therefrom.
- A member shall not permit their name to be associated with statements or advertisements which they know to contain: fabricated data, selectively reported data with the intent to mislead or deceive, or data obtained from others without appropriate acknowledgement.
- A member shall ensure that the results of their research and other professional activities are documented and maintained in a form that allows analysis and review. Documentation (including raw research data) should be archived for a reasonable period in order to be available promptly and completely to responsible individuals. Exceptions may be appropriate in certain circumstances in order to preserve privacy, to assure patent protection or for similar reasons.
- A member shall inform their employers or clients if circumstances arise in which their judgements or advice may be called into question by reason of business connections, personal relationships, interests or affiliations.
- A member in employment shall not receive, either directly or indirectly any royalty, gratuity or commission in respect of any patented article or process used in any work with which they have a connection, unless they shall fully disclose the fact to the employer in writing.
- A member who prepares publications with co-authors will ensure all co-authors have the opportunity to review the publication. An individual who has made a significant contribution to the publication should be included as a co-author. An individual who does not accept appropriate responsibility for the publication cannot be named as a co-author.
- A member who provides peer reviews or referee reports will ensure that these reports are provided promptly, are objective and are free from conflicts of interest. Reviewers who are provided with information for review will keep that information confidential and not use privileged information for personal purposes.