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ACT Branch

Welcome to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) branch of the AIP.  Watch this space for local events in ACT!

ACT Committee

Latest ACT News and Upcoming Events

2024 Photography Competition, "The Beauty of Physics".

The ACT Branch of the Australian Institute of Physics is once again inviting photographers of all levels to participate in our photography competition celebrating the awe-inspiring beauty of physics. Entires now closed.  Watch this space for results.

The images of past winners have featured here on the AIP website and used in AIP communications.

AIP WiP Physics Lecture Tour in the ACT, 2024

Prof. Susan Coppersmith will be speaking in Canberra as follows:

24 September,  Joint AIP & RSPhys. Directors colloquium: 11.30 am, Physics auditorium Building 160, ANU. See RSPhys. notice

 24 September, evening Public lecture

The ACT Branch Australian Institute of Physics is pleased to announce a public lecture by Prof Susan Coppersmith, the 2024 AIP WiP lecturer on 24 September, 5.30 for 6.00pm start.

All members, friends, family and other interested members of the public are invited to attend at the New Physics Building number 160, Mills Rd, ANU. Light refreshments will be provided from 5.30 for 6.00 pm start. RSVP via registration for this event is essential, for catering purposes.

Prof. Coppersmith will also be visiting several local Senior Secondary Schools on 25 September.

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See the main events board for more in-person and online upcoming events.

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